Unlocking the Mystery of the New Year's Kiss

As we gear up to bid farewell to another year, there's one tradition that steals the spotlight as the clock strikes midnight—the iconic New Year's Eve kiss. But have you ever wondered how this tradition kicked off? Well we have as Venice Beach is a very romantic place. And as a gift to our valued guests of our beautiful Venice Beach hotel, we provide you the key to unlock the mystery of the New Year’s kiss.

Believe it or not, the history of locking lips as the clock strikes twelve traces back through centuries of cultures and customs. It's a tradition dripping in romance, superstition, and a pinch of historical flair.

Let's rewind the clock and take a journey through time to uncover the origins of this beloved New Year's Eve smooch. Strap in!

Ancient Romans: Yep, we're talking way back—like ancient Roman times. These folks were quite the trendsetters, celebrating the festival of Saturnalia around December. This festival was a wild ride, marked by revelry, feasting, and yes, you guessed it, kissing. It was believed that exchanging kisses would bring good luck and strengthen bonds heading into the new year.

Medieval Europe: Fast forward to medieval Europe, where things got a bit more formal. The practice of kissing under mistletoe during the holiday season became a thing. It was seen as a symbol of goodwill, friendship, and even romance. If a lady stood under mistletoe, tradition held that she couldn't refuse a kiss—quite the playful custom, right?

The Scottish Hogmanay: Over in Scotland, the New Year's celebration, known as Hogmanay, was—and still is—a big deal. Here, the tradition of "first-footing" took center stage. The first person to step into a home after midnight on New Year's was thought to bring luck for the coming year. And of course, that arrival often came with a round of kisses and well wishes.

Victorian Era: Jumping ahead to the Victorian era, traditions started to evolve. New Year's Eve balls became all the rage. Picture this: elegant soirées, elaborate gowns, and dapper suits—all culminating in a midnight kiss that sealed the evening with hopes for a prosperous year ahead.

Modern Times: So, how did we arrive at our modern-day New Year's kiss? Well, it's a blend of all these historical bits. The concept of sealing the moment with a kiss has persisted through time, evolving into a universal symbol of love, luck, and fresh beginnings.

Today, when the clock strikes twelve on New Year's Eve, you'll find people around the globe locking lips with their loved ones, friends, or even strangers—embracing the hope and promise of what the next year may bring. And if you’ve found yourself in Venice Beach for the holidays, we hope you’ll be one of those lucky enough to participate.

So whether you're celebrating with a significant other, a friend, or simply cheering with a glass of bubbly in hand, remember that this tradition isn't just about the kiss itself—it's about the warmth, joy, and optimism it symbolizes for the year ahead.

Happy New Year!